Welcome to our Technical and FAQ section. Below you find will some answers to common questions. You can also download enquiry forms, user guides and manuals.
Pricing varies depending on water requirements, total dynamic head (pressure) and brand. Our 210W systems start at around $3,800 + GST with 1800W systems costing around $9-$11,000 + GST
Our main stocked brands are Lorentz, Waterboy and Icon Solar. We also sell Grundfos, Sun Pumps, Sun Mill parts and Hardi systems.
Your flow requirement should be based on peak demand and size of storage. If water is just for house hold use or gardens 5-8000LPD is generally enough. If water is for stock then you need to work out peak demand based on number of stock using that water source. For example sheep 6-8LPD and cows 12-20LPD.
Your total dynamic head is combination of height difference between the top of the pump and storage and friction loss.
If you are unsure of the height difference you can compare the height above sea level of the two points in Google Earth. The Youtube video below shows you where to find this if you are unsure (start from the 53 sec mark).
We will work out the friction loss for you based on the distance and size of pipe. There is a second YouTube video below which shows you how to use the ruler measuring tool in Google Earth if you are unsure of the pipe run (Start from the 50 sec mark).
There are a lot of factors which determine the longevity of a pump and motor. Water quality, use, correct sizing and basic maintence will generally determine how long a system last.
All of our systems are covered by a 2-year warranty on the pump, motor and controller. Solar panels have a 12-15 year peformance guarantee and our accessories usually come with a 12-month warranty.
Yes, our sytems are delivered in kit form and are ready to install. All you need to provide is pipe for the connection to the pump and your pipework and some rapid set for the pole.
As all the electical connections are already done when you system is delivered an electrician is not required. When systems get over a certain voltage we will usually install for you or recommended an electrician for you.
Yes, if you are not getting enough water during daylight hours due to a poorly performing water source the pump can be set up to run off a generator or a battery.
Yes, we can provide battery systems when required.